Friday 3 June 2011


Another 4 day week hits the deck, the last for a while, which is a real shame. Summer seems to have arrived.. again, so the more time we have for soaking up the sun the better. Plenty of other signs of summer to look out for..
  • I notice the ice cream van that visits my road is now selling hot dogs. Why did I not think of home delivery barbeque?? Very odd. 
  • The cricket is back on the telly. Always good to see crowds of lobster red men falling asleep in the stands. Call me old fashioned but why not watch it at home with a beer?
  • Tescos have run out of bags of ice.
I don't want to be the voice of doom but we've now got air-con in the Mr Mailroom offices. Expect the sun to dissapear again sometime soon! Have a good weekend folks.. Thanks for your orders!

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